What’s the meaning of your name?

Could someone named Nsundidi ever be president? Does your name play an integral part in who you are and what you will become?

Different traditions name people based on astrology, others based on religion, and some name based on the birth circumstances, which happened to be my case.

Nsundidi means "your positive energy can change and even the most difficult and depressing situations. The world needs more people like you!
That’s not me. it must be someone else.

For my curiosity, I decided to google the meaning of my name vonvon, a website that tells the meaning of your name found one for me. Vonvon defined that Nsundidi means positive energy that can change even the most difficult and depressing situations. And that the world needs more people like you.

I wish that were true, I don’t think I’m all that what vonvon have described.

I questioned my parents why was I named Nsundidi?  I had never seen anyone in my family with such a bold name; neither I ever met any stranger with that name. According to my parents, I was named by the person who raised my father, grandpa Lopes.

The circumstance of the name was given after my mom had two miscarriages before I was conceived. So, when I was born, grandpa Lopes thought that I should be named Nsundidi, which is a Kikongo name that in my parent’s mother tongue means “VICTORY.”  

It is true that most African names are generally related to circumstances surrounding birth or the parent’s wishes for their child, which makes many of them an excellent choice for boys or girls. But it is true also often you will find Arabic names in nature, as Islamic traditions had a strong influence in Africa.

While in the south, you will find more Christian catholic influence as the colonizer forced some to be baptized with European name and exclude their African given name.

By tradition, most African name has to have a meaning. There is a strong belief that a person that is brought into this world with a mission. And therefore, your circumstance often dictates the meaning of your name. A great example of it is a well-known figure, Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela’s birth name was ROLIHLAHLA. It is an isiXhosa name that means “pulling the branch of a tree,” but colloquially it means “troublemaker.” His father gave him this name.

This man was named Nelson simply because the first-grade teacher couldn’t pronounce his name. And thought that he should have a European name that’s easier to pronounce.

Can you imagine yourself leave home in the morning and come back with a different name without the permission of his parents?  

So, let me ask you a question. What’s the meaning of your name? Is there any story behind your name or your parents just decided to through you a name that they thought sounds cool?

I would like to hear the meaning of your name, please make a comment below this blog post.


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