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The Tale of Two Campaigns Red and Blue

November 18, 2024/

The Tale of Two Campaigns Red and Blue," a captivating narrative that delves into the contrasting visions of two political movements. Discover how the Red Team and Blue Team engage in a fierce battle for the hearts and minds of voters, reflecting the diverse values and aspirations of a divided nation.

Be Grateful For What You Have

May 23, 2021/

Have you ever found yourself saying, I’ll be happy when I have this or when that happens? I’m sure you have said or thought about it; no shame or guilt about it. Life moves quickly, and a lot of the time, it may feel like we can barely keep up, which also often leads us to forget to appreciate what we have and have accomplished. The year of 2020 and 2021 has...

First-Ever MS Management: Information Technology Graduate

December 17, 2020/

by SUNY Potsdam School of Education & Professional Studies on December 17, 2020 As SUNY Potsdam continues to promote online learning, we begin to see programs becoming fully online like the M.S. Management program in the Business Department. Nsundidi Jorge, a student studying the M.S. Management: Information Technology program will soon become the first-ever graduate of this online program at SUNY Potsdam! Congratulations Nsundidi! #SUNYPotsdam #PeopleOfPotsdam #PotsdamProud First-Ever MS Management: Information Technology...

I’m Suspecting that This Is The End

September 20, 2020/

Imagine you were told in January 2020 that the toilet paper would be more valuable than crude oil this year. That there would be long food bank lines in major cities around the world, you would have to wear a mask in public, and more than 300,000 people would die of the unheard disease. How would you react to hearing all those things? Crazy right? Well, for some, this year was supposed...

Impact of new rules on international students in the United States

July 14, 2020/

On Monday, July 6, the International students’ community in the U.S. learned that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), issued new rules on international students. Those international students that attending schools that are operating entirely online may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States. That news caused a lot of stress, panic, and anxiety to many of us who are international students. According to the ICE...

What is The Color of My Skin?

June 3, 2020/

If you read my articles, you probably have noticed that my articles tend to be more educative than controversial. Today I want to talk about something that bothers me. As we all are witnessing the protest against systemic racism taking place all over the country in the aftermath of George Floyd’s death, I have been hearing people on the television saying the term “people of color” refers to black people.   People of...

Photos: Cities around the world fall silent from COVID-19

March 23, 2020/

The coronavirus pandemic has emptied out normally busy streets around the world as local governments have closed businesses and put residents under lockdown. As curious we all are right now, I asked family and friends around the world to share pictures of their hometown right now as the world fighting against this pandemic.  Take a look. Angola Luanda, AngolaPhotograph: Andre Nunes Brazil Belgium Colombia Czech Republic Prague, Czech RepublicPhotograph: Lubomir Vysny El...

Maybe men will never fully understand what is to be a woman

March 7, 2020/

Perhaps men will never fully understand what is to be a woman. But, the possibility of not understanding perfectly shouldn’t stop men from trying. A woman might not exert the same force that masculinity has utilized as a means of power, but she may instead look to a special tool she has called energy. Force and Energy are two distinct elements. One is about anything that can cause the mass to change...

Explaining Things So I Can Confuse You

February 17, 2020/

I’m too low to go upI’m too high to fall offI’m sharing to be leftoverI’m wasting to missSlowly so I can fitgently to not forgive I’m studying to know how to ignoreI’m eating so I can vomit I’m explaining to youTo confuse youconfusing youso I can make things clear with dazzling light to blind youI’m going blindTo be able to guide you Gently so I can ripclosed eye to see you betterhappily,...

What would happen if world war 3 started?

January 4, 2020/

In the last 72 hours, the internet is flooded with news of a possible “World War 3” after the news that the US had killed Iran’s top general. The phrase “World War 3” was among the most trending topics in the world, with various posts on Twitter and Facebook. I received a text early morning of my little brother who lives in Angola, wondering if I was doing fine because he is...

6 Things nobody told you after college

May 10, 2019/

For some, college life is the most joyful time of your life while, for others, college life is like a four-year prison sentence, and you can’t wait to leave it. Each year, almost 3 million people in the United States graduate from college. What comes next will change your life, and some of this change can be frustrating and disappointed. 1. Hunting for a Job Applying for jobs seemingly a desperate mission....

5 questions should never ask a woman

April 9, 2018/

Whether you believe that male and female brains are biologically different, I think you and I can agree that males and females often tend to think alike than we think. When you talk to women, whether your girlfriend or someone you are just getting to know, these the five questions you should never ask a woman: 1. To “relax” or “calm ” via GIPHY Have you seen the effects of kerosene when...

About Me

Hello, I'm Nsundidi (DiDi)

 I’m thrilled to have you here! This blog is a space where I share my thoughts, experiences, and insights on life, creativity, and everything in between. 


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The journey of self-discovery, as told from the guts.